Crown prosecution was repeatedly warned of issues with star witnesses credibility and disruptive tendencies
Supreme Court of Canada Case law addresses the issues surrounding the value of evidence that can not be understood by the litigants and the trier of facts. In this case the former Alberta Medical Examiner offered contradictory facts, went off on tangents unrelated to questions, refused to answer questions and even exploded in emotional rants. Crown prosecutor Britta Kristensen made numerous statements regarding the struggle the Court was having in understanding the Doctor's testimony. At times the court reporter would appear to be on the verge of tears and would even interrupt testimony in an effort to clarify what had been said.
Race baiting used by the University of Calgary's Bio-Ethicist to attack Court of Queen's Bench Justice Terry Clackson.
Justice Clackson repeatedly attempted to calm down and redirect disrespectful and disruptive behaviors of Former Alberta Medical Examiner
Former Alberta Medical Examiner misrepresented facts repeatedly during Stephan Trial over death of toddler![]() Dr Adeagbo testified to having access to 133 pages of medical records supplied by Alberta Health Services. 26 different times over his 7 days of testimony, he testified that he had reviewed and considered all the medical evidence when coming to a conclusion as to how Ezekiel Stephan died. He testified that the medical examiners file contained everything he was given. It was then brought to his attention that the defence was aware that long after the autopsy was completed, he was on record ordering further medical documents of Ezekiel Stephan. This showed that he was aware of other records that he had not considered. In total, Ezekiel's medical records exceeded 800 pages, of which, Dr. Adeagbo only had 133 to rely on. The requirement to re-question the witness repeatedly was a long winded theme that resulted in three months of trial. The crowns original estimation was 2 weeks. The cost to tax payers and the defense is unrecoverable. At one point during the trial when the topic of Ezekiel dying from hypoxic injury due to going over 8 minutes without oxygen in an ill equipped AHS ambulance, Dr. Adeagbo admitted to making a practice of excluding pertinent negatives from his autopsy reports which resulted in chatter from the gallery as they were left wondering what other AHS condemning information Dr. Adeagbo had excluded from Ezekiel's autopsy report.
The fact that Dr. Adeagbo left out pertinent medical facts from his report was compounded by the fact that he refused to answer questions repeatedly during trial. At one point Justice Clackson had to scold Dr. Adeagbo and compel an answer from him. This was a theme throughout the trial.
Competence in question: Dr. Bamidele Adeagbo believed medical evidence showed that Ezekiel was dead anywhere from 4 to 9 hours prior to the 911 call operator listened to him breathing.Dr. Adeagbo repeatedly claimed Ezekiel was dead well before arriving at the hospital. This claim was shattered by a recorded 911 call where Ezekiel was recorded breathing while his parents discussed whether they should rush him into the hospital or wait for an ambulance.
The assessment of Dr. Adeagbo left a court room full of bewildered onlookers. He later indicated that the saline had watered down the blood that was tested. This would further increase the time he claimed Ezekiel had been deceased before the 911 call. It was further discovered that Dr. Adeagbo struggled to read basic medical charts. In one instance Dr. Adeagbo based his findings off of a belief that medical staff were unable to resuscitate Ezekiel and that his state was much worse than it was. It was clear to everyone present that his assessment was miles away from reality.
Not Guilty Stephan Verdict Justice Terry Clackson
Stephan: A plea for help After 7 years of fighting to protect their children while exposing the coverup surrounding their son's passing, they have lost almost everything. Threats of violence, financial hardship, misrepresentations by the Former Alberta Medical Examiner and doctors and hostile communities forced them out of their home. Please consider donating to help them and their children rebuild their lives. Click here to make a donation
Missing Records
David and Collet Stephan left their 18 month old baby boy in the hands of medical professionals at a rural hospital in Cardston Alberta. Their son had suffered a sudden respiratory arrest and had been rushed to meet an ambulance before entering the care of medical staff. Ezekiel was stabilized at the hospital and was prepped for transport to the Alberta Children's Hospital. His parents were told to meet him there.
![]() The time where almost all records are missing for about 1.5 hours, was during Ezekiel's stop over in the Lethbridge Regional Hospital. Dr. Shauna Burkholder testified that the staff were too busy assisting Ezekiel to keep records at this time. Medical records showed that there were at least; 3 doctors, 3 nurses, 3 EMS, 1 respiratory therapist, and the night staff of a regional hospital present during this time. Almost all records from 00:25 to 01:40 on March 14 2012 are currently missing. Dr. Shauna Burkholder was on the phone directing his care during this time.
Day one |
Day one of the trial was not a surprise. Registered Nurse and friend of Ezekiel's mother, Terrie Shaw testified that she visited and checked Ezekiel's vitals. Collet Stephan had complained that he was more tired than usual and appeared to be achy with muscle stiffness. Terrie testified that there was nothing she could see of concern and that if Collet wanted to know more then to take Ezekiel into a doctor. They looked up viral meningitis as a possible reason for the muscle stiffness but Ezekiel did not have the symptoms to match that either. |
Ken Cherinowski, paramedic testified:
Dr Lloyd Clark testified:
A concern was raised over Dr. Clarkes previous notoriety which he earned in 2018 when he made some hard remarks to a group of homeless Natives in the small Southern Town of Cardston Alberta. News of his actions made national headlines.
Dr. Clark then continued on with his testimony. When asked to identify an X-ray he had ordered and interpreted he testified:
The Xray seen to the right shows a zoom in on the trachea. You can see on the film that the trachea, lungs and heart are all offset to the childs right side. This could create catastrophic "intubation difficulties". You can aslo see a dark spot in his trachea about the same size as the intubation tube. In the autopsy photos a deep gouge was found directly below this spot. The medical Examiner would later testify that Ezekiel did not have an infection in his lung. It formed only on the outside of the lung. It is believed that the intubation tube placed in the back of the ambulance in the ambulance bay punctured Ezekiels Plural Cavity and created the infection. |
Dr. Clarke was asked if he knew anything about a tracheal tear. He responded that it was the first time he had heard of it. He was then shown the contents of the social media post he had complained about. The contents were exclusively limited to discussion surrounding a tracheal puncture. At this point he claimed he was not qualified to speak to the difference between a tracheal tear and a tracheal puncture. |
Thank you !Thank you to the individuals who have provided information thus far. Many people from AHS have come forward and have either provided information or told us to stop digging. Either way its been telling and has assisted us in determining who and what we need to focus on in the coming weeks of trial. There is a current claim that Medical staff were too busy to document during this time. Medical expert Shawna Burkholder testified of a severe cardiac issue while Ezekiel was in the Lethbridge Regional Hospital. She indicated this was a result of a Doctor from Cardston reducing Ezekiel's medication. The records surrounding this time are undiscoverable! We need your help! | $20,000.00 RewardMissing medical records have left large gaps in Ezekiel Stephan's care. Missing blood culture reports, un-finalized PCRs, missing charts and logs are all issues currently being dealt with during the Stephan trial. Most concerning are is the fact that there is a large gap in records while a severe cardiac arrest was taking place, and evidence of a lethal overdose has been found. You or someone you know knows something about this case. Please contact us [email protected] This Family needs your help. |
Court heard this week that Logs, charts and recorded phone calls from the Cardston Alberta Hospital all showed promise of a full or near full recovery for Ezekiel Stephan. Ezekiel Stephan was transferred from the Cardston Alberta Hospital to the Lethbridge Alberta hospital. During transport, records show that he improved continually. |
Here is where it gets sketchy. Medical logs, charts and records are almost entirely missing from 00:25 to 01:40. During this time notes from other doctors at the Alberta Children's Hospital record numerous procedures and a now uncharted Cardiac Arrest. No charts, logs or records have ever been provided for over 55 minutes of this time frame. We do not know the identities of who witnessed the events at the Lethbridge Hospital and Alberta Health Services is claiming they have turned over all of the files that are now in their possession. |
Records provided from this time frame have the attending physician stating "I was not involved..." Leaving the Stephan family wondering what he wasn't involved with. The ER Doctor who lives next to Ezekiel's grandfather now claims to have no memory of the events that took place that night. No one has been willing to talk and the Medical Doctors who were involved have all now lawyered up with the legal firm Bennett- Jones. |
Ezekiel Stephan did not have Meningitis.Newly acquired medical records show that Ezekiel did not have Meningitis. This new information paints a grim picture of events that took place in the Lethbridge Regional Hospital. |
Friday May 31, 2019 saw three hearings in the Lethbridge Court of Queen's Bench involving the parents of Ezekiel Stephan. My head is still reeling from what I witnessed. I can only describe it as confusion, misrepresentations, strategic maneuvering and a complete lack of professionalism on all accounts. Here's the breakdown of what took place: |
The stay application was interesting. It started with David Stephan presenting a note from the Office of the Medical Examiner as an exhibit. In this note the writer noted that Valerie Wallace from the Crown's office called to ask if the Medical Examiner was aware of some evidence being sought by the Defence counsel. She then proceeded to tell the writer that she did not want the evidence sent to her or for the ME's office to acquire it. She just wanted to know where to find it. |
Last Saturday began with a bang. The public release of numerous exculpatory documents pertaining to the Death of Ezekiel Stephan spread quickly across Canada. Over the course of a week thousands of dollars in donations and over 1200 positive comments were posted to social media pages related to the Stephans. Within the first 4 days of the Campaign some 43,000 views on a single post were charted. "We released consult notes that showed that Doctors at ACH were aware that there was no meningitis at the time the RCMP were interviewing Eziekiel's mother. I think there were two people out of almost 60,000 views who said negative things." On day 5 our views skyrocketed by about 22,000 views. Naturally we wondered what was driving the views over such a short amount of time. That's when we found this. | Rather than report on the documents being released, Global News fabricated a story about Sly Anti-Vaxxers, They listed the Stephans in the article as an example of Sly Anti-Vaxxers. Attempted to relate the Stephan's posts to vaccinations, tried to shut down the Stephan's post for donations, and then noted that the Stephan's post had nothing to do with Vaccinations. David Stephan's brother Bradford Stephan was taking his turn monitoring the page "They sent thousands of people to our page. We now have about 15 negative comments on the one post and 3 people who are actively saying mean things," said Stephan The vast majority of posts, comments and messages are entirely positive toward the Stephans or are showing genuine disgust in the Alberta Governments lack of ethics. |
"... you can’t sue a judge because they’re immune from suit for things that they do in the course of their duties." ~Associate Chief Justice J.D. Rooke Jan 18th 2019 Calgary Court Center May 28th 2019 Justice J.D. Rooke refused to allow a recusal application against himself to even be filed in the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench. This, just one week before the beginning of the Stephan trial, where he will remain as the CMJ and be able to continue to suppress evidence of state wrongdoing. |
With less than 1 week until the Stephan trial. New information is being released by family members of the Stephans. ACJ J.D. Rooke is shown in communications to have denied Subpoenas for ten key material witnesses. Justice Rooke ruled on the 25th of February to dismiss all of the Stephans existing subpoenas. In a landmark ruling he determined that because the Stephans are self-represented, they are required to file an affidavit with the Court to provide justification / evidence to why every witness should be allowed. |
Septic infection be Damned! Lets approve organ donation and put these infected organs into other kids! Most of us probably cringed when we read the line above. Let's think it through. Could you trust a hospital that would so recklessly put your child's life at risk by sewing into them an organ that was infected with meningitis causing bacteria? Would Doctors be foolish enough to transplant an organ into another child if there was even a chance of the organ passing along an infection of this severity? Doctors approved the donation of Ezekiel Stephan's organs on March 16, 2012 @ 11:00 AM |
September 2019
June 2019
May 2019