Missing Medical Records from the Chinook Regional Hospital
The record below shows knowledge of an uncharted Cardiac Arrest that took place at about 00:50 in the morning. Right in the middle of the time where records are missing. Cardiac Arrest Took Place In Hospital : no charts, logs or records available
What you need to knowMedical records we do have Identify a number of individuals who were present or in contact during the events that took place on March 14, 2012 at the Lethbridge Regional Hospital ( now Chinook Regional Hospital).
Gwen Schmidt
6/9/2019 09:03:38 pm
Please remember there are legions of us supporting you . I only wish I lived closer and could do more , the truth will prevail.
What a disgrace you are David and his father
6/14/2019 12:35:07 am
Mr Stephan and David are Canada’s disgrace.
6/16/2019 08:40:08 pm
Well it is already proven to be the most studied and effective suppliments. Helping my son and family so much.......curious I am a child advocate standing up for children killed and abused in government care....are you just as vocal for the 685 kids who died in care and whose deaths were hidden from public for ten years....hmmmm why would the government do that....so if your so angry at one childs death....well then join me in speaking against our corrupt government who has a much bigger list of children they killed.And they have thrir own tax payer funds to pay for their lawyers.
6/17/2019 11:24:56 am
Wow aren't you a P.O.S
Lorna Lynne
6/9/2019 11:09:59 pm
Holding you and your lovely family in my love and in my light. May the truth be known. May the "employees" working in the "heal care industry" come to realize they are working for aI criminal organization in the business of destroying the natural healing ability of our body.
Normal Human Being
6/11/2019 10:52:14 am
Go to hell, where you belong, murderers.
Dawn Kennedy
6/11/2019 03:11:39 pm
Prove they are murders prove it
6/11/2019 05:31:13 pm
All the best in your journey. Seems like a serious cover up. The truth must come out.
6/11/2019 09:16:02 pm
Praying for peace and justice. Praying for truth to come out. We know. We support you. We are with you💗🙏
Our prayers are with you. Ignore the rude insults from 'Normal Hunan Being', Normal human beings have a heart. These people have suffered enough. They are caring, loving parents, who did what they believed was the best for their child. Pumping children full of drugs is not always the answer.
6/12/2019 10:50:52 pm
how can any of this “evidence “ be public ??? The trail is still ongoing ?? There is No conspiracy.. they killed their child.. own up to and accept the consequences of your actions ... God know what you did !!!
6/13/2019 12:47:27 am
Though many people may make inappropriate comments here, I believe some of what they are saying is due to a misunderstanding of the criminal process. First of all the original trial for this ended in a conviction therefore the evidence became public knowledge. Second, for an appeal to take place a substantial amount of new evidence has to surface, or there has to be evidence that the judge either ignored the rules of court or acted inappropriately. So for there to be another trial happening they had to have enough evidence that there was a ruling the trial was not adequate and probably resulted in a wrongful conviction. You have the right to appeal a decision..but to have a retrial is only if your appeal was granted. In its self this makes it pretty obvious that there is more to the story then what the general public knows. Now actually look at and read the information that was just provided. Look up the policy surrounding critical patients and you will find they have to make a continuous log to support any and all decisions they make concerning a patient so they can prove they did everything in there power and it can not be disputed in case someone feels their relative recieved inadequate care and tries holding them accountable. You are talking about not 1 or 2 but about 8 known professionals all involved and all claiming to gap out and forget they are responsible to document what was happening. Here is another thing to remember. When this family felt they could no longer control this boys illness with natural healing they took the boy for help. The perception of this was greatly distorted by the media. It was made to sound like they waited til it was impossible to save him, while the paramedics admitted they did not have adequate equiptment and were doing their best with what they had. If the paramedics took the responsibility of saying that and the reports say even with inadequate equiptment he was getting better then who is anyone but the paramedics and parents to say they did not have him in there in time? Hundreds of children die every week because their parents did not realize the severity of their conditions, and the only difference here is that they admitted to trying to use natural methods to cure him before taking him. Do you really think out of those hundred of kids who die a week that none of their parents gave them Tylenol or put cold clothes on them or tried any means to soothe them? This family lost one of their own, and in my opinion the only reason they are being treated so harsh and so vile is because they admitted to trying to treat him naturally before seeking help. They are being demonized for being suspicious and weary of pharmaceutical solutions in an era where 1 in 3 articles on the subject say kids are being over medicated and medicine is losing its effectiveness on them. Essentially they are being punished for being aware that medications are being overused and causing kids harm and trying to protect their son from that harm. Alot of factors led to this child's death and alot of people obviously did not do their duties towards this boy or there wouldnt be hours missing of his treatment in the log books by so many professionals that were aware of their duty and trained to log it in. This family wants closure. To know what actually happened. They are living a nightmare and being targeted as murderers when there are people in that hospital who actually know what happened and know these people did not murder their son. They are probably scared and ashamed and sick with themselves for letting this family take the blame, but also scared what will happen to them if they come forward. They stand to lose their careers, their reputations, and any respect people have for them. It would take one heck of a brave individual with more morals then fear to come forward. I hope someone does though...cause what thos family has been put through on top of losing their son is not fair or right and really needs to come to an end.
6/16/2019 01:14:00 pm
Yes, non-medical trained parents can't be expected to know the severity of all symptoms and what to do, but that is why the charge was not a murder charge it was a negligence charge. That when the kid had been rigid for days and stops breathing that after calling the ambulance they shouldn't have called back and said that it is fine before calling the ambulance again for him to be picked up. Even if the charting wasn't ideal or if there was a mistake by the medical professionals it doesn't change that the description of the CT results showed that a significant problem developed in the kid's brain tissue; and that a layperson's risk/benefit analysis should not let vulnerable people who become seriously sick to avoid medical medical testing for more information. The kid's problem shouldn't have gotten to that point shown on the CT scan without seeking help from professionals trained and qualified in related testing. With that being said, only the PICU children's hospital note above looks like real time charting. The other notes that are being described as chart notes don't look like normal real time chart notes. You also didn't mention that it was reported that a family friend who is a nurse told them days before that she thought that it the child was seriously sick.
Bradford Stephan
6/16/2019 09:20:51 pm
Wow, so much bad information without anything to back it up. Amy, perhaps you would not mind posting your last name so that we can be in contact over the defamation?
Baby Ezekiel
6/14/2019 11:45:45 am
Mom and Dad - you let me get progressively worse and sick and did nothing about it because you were ignorant to facts and chose to ignore the people with education and knowledge on the matter. You were responsible for my death, and please stop trying to guilt the people that tried to save me, but were not able to do so because of your ignorance. Wish I could say "see you in heaven", but.... I don't think you will ever join me there :(
6/14/2019 10:46:23 pm
Did that horrible letter make you feel good? You are one nasty j judgemental human being.
Baby Zeke
6/15/2019 12:09:06 pm
I actually can’t feel anymore because I’m dead.
Its so clear you have done no research.
6/14/2019 09:53:35 pm
If not done please have an expert look at the care immediately prior to and during transport. In the records shown there is evidence of an untreated abnormal blood sugar as well as hypothermia. The epinephrine is at a low dose (.025 mcg/kg) and there is no evidence of continued monitoring of B/p or temperature. Any of these pre arrest conditions could have lead to decreased brain perfusion and were well below the standard of care in the US.
Vaccinated so I won’t die
6/17/2019 06:27:17 am
You are child killers who deserve to lose all your children. Please die in jail.
Gwen Schmidt
6/28/2019 02:15:52 pm
OMG I can't believe the comments here, praying for each and everyone of them . I hope they do their research and stop being so judgmental ! sheesh .
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